Virtually Foxy wants you to be efficient when spending your money and time with them. You got that right, they want to make sure that your precious time will not be wasted, as they guarantee you excellent quality service. But their services are not the only reason why they can help you save some time. They also want to make sure that you will be able to hire them at the right time which is crucial for your business.
To make sure that your time, and your investment, can be saved when hiring a virtual assistant, remember to hire them when they are only needed. There are different scenarios that will be discussed for you to understand more on how Virtually Foxy can provide you the best tips at the right time to hire their virtual assistants.
Hire For Repetitive Tasks

The number one reason why most successful companies are able to save time and resources when hiring a virtual assistant is that they only hire them for repetitive tasks. Let the Virtually Foxy virtual assistants make your workload easier by performing these types of tasks. Just imagine the potential you can get for your business if you hire someone in Virtually Foxy to perform those tasks that might hinder the actual objective needed by your core team to accomplish!
Repetitive tasks are also known as non-core tasks, which are required for your business, yet add too much workload for your core team. Say, for example, if your company is dealing with several customers over the phone or chat, just hire Virtually Foxy virtual assistants to help you out with chat support and/or customer service! This, in return, helps you focus more on improving your business for the long term.
If The Work Can Be Done Part-Time, Hire Them

The good thing about Virtually Foxy is that you can hire virtual assistants for part-time tasks only. If the bookkeeping tasks do not require the virtual assistant to work for a full day shift, then just hire Virtually Foxy’s virtual assistants instead. Scheduling your client meetings will never be a hassle to work on, and will also relieve you of the worry of paying high as well.
If the virtual assistant is capable of it, you can also make them perform one-off projects. The most popular example of this is when you are in need of a content writer for your business’s website. Virtually Foxy has a group of virtual assistants that are also experts in providing content for your website, as well as a bit of SEO to boost your page’s ranking. These quick projects can be done by these experts, and in a way where you will find it budget-friendly.

Let’s say you will be needing a virtual assistant to work for you in the meantime for some full-time job? This is not a problem for Virtually Foxy as well because they have a set of virtual assistants ready to do office work. If your workload is not going to meet your desired quota due to a lack of manpower, virtual assistants can help fill out that gap for you.
But take note that the skills the virtual assistants have depend on their experience, which is why you still have to consult by contacting Virtually Foxy for further details. So, the best tip you can take from this is by ensuring that the workload you need to provide should involve tasks that virtual assistants can do. These tasks include customer service, e-mail support, data analysts, marketing specialist, and many more.

The Virtually Foxy virtual assistants are well-versed in the field of performing tasks that you personally need for your daily schedule and workload. They can act as if they are your secretary, and at a rate that’s not as high as the typical assistant.
Thanks to technology nowadays, you can now communicate smoothly through wireless internet and video calling. If the tasks your secretary needs to do can be done on a computer, then let the virtual assistant do all the work instead. What’s good about this is that you can even get a budget-friendly rate from Virtually Foxy!
Virtually Foxy wants to make sure that you will be able to minimize a lot of idle time, along with helping you in saving money when you need a virtual assistant. After all, efficiency over time is what they can offer you as a benefit of acquiring their services. So, why not include the way you hire them for the sake of helping you save some extra funds as well?
All you have to do is consult your hiring preferences by contacting Virtually Foxy now to get started!