Build a Strong Virtual Team with Virtually Foxy Business Support Services LLC
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Teams are well-suited for expanding businesses with a track record of successful remote work or for larger enterprises new to remote operations that can exhibit proficiency in management through their existing organizational structure.

Do You Need to Build a Team or Support Multiple Areas?

Several of our clients have substantial requirements and seek to benefit from the economies of scale offered by our services. Some began with a single remote worker but have now progressed beyond their initial learning phase and are eager to grow their teams.

Engaging with remote staff reveals that building and managing a team is often more seamless than hiring individuals independently. A key factor is the ability to break down substantial tasks into smaller, more manageable components, facilitating quicker execution by workers with more specialized roles. Numerous clients of Virtually Foxy have successfully employed this strategy to achieve their goals.

How Do You Hire and Manage A Team with Virtually Foxy?

For instance, consider an agency with both a sales division and a property management division approaching us for a remote worker. If this worker is expected to split their time between both divisions, the learning curve will be steeper, and their overall effectiveness may be compromised.

Opting to hire two or more workers, instead of just one, allows you to assign at least one worker to each division. This approach accelerates the learning process and significantly enhances overall effectiveness. Even if you start by hiring one person, the initial hire can serve as a trainer and support for the second and third workers. Subsequently, these later hires can take on the responsibility of training and supporting additional team members.

Opting to build a team instead of hiring an individual has the potential to propel your business to the next level, fostering organic and exponential growth rather than incremental and painstaking progress. This transition is often instrumental in the evolution of small businesses into medium-sized enterprises.

Another perspective is that having a team proves advantageous when one of your remote team members is absent due to illness, ensuring there are additional staff members to step in and ensure the completion of tasks. At Virtually Foxy, our objective is to assist you in constructing teams that are sustainable, reliable, and resilient, providing a robust foundation for your business's growth.

As part of our team services, we offer coaching on the optimal implementation of teams and guidance in determining each worker's role. Additionally, you gain access to our success team, who will oversee your team regularly and be available for dedicated monthly check-ins.

Services for First-Time Clients

With all of our customers, it’s important for us to get these things right, but especially for customers hiring their very first remote team member.

Set up for Success
Are You Ready?

Once you’ve answered all of the above questions, you’re ready to go! Getting set up is the most important factor in the success of our clients, and failure is possible if this step is skipped. In fact, if this is your first remote hire, this process is mandatory, as we’ve witnessed too many organizations futilely try to get ahead of themselves for the sake of speed.

But that is just the beginning..

We believe in teamwork. Everyone is part of one big jigsaw puzzle. No one is truly alone; we all succeed or fail together (but honestly, we prefer to succeed).

We wont just give you a VA.
We give you the entire ecosystem.

Start your new business journey with us!

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